Event: Hike
Date: 26th - 28th August
Location: Somewhere in North Wales
Dramatic personae: Ted, Lynne, Kieron, Ena, Caroline, Julie, Paul, Nick, Richard, Rebecca, Caroline
Surprising factoid: It didn’t rain (and it was Wales)
Report by Richard Carter
Photos by various members

In an effort to appear multi dimensional NCC’s 1st day of Summer Trip involved a hike (as opposed to a SUP, C1, C2, K1, K2, Hasler, plastic, slalom). Obviously all we talked about was Sup’s, C1’s, C2’s, K1’s, K2’s, Hasler’s, plastic’s and slalom but to other walkers we probably appeared perfectly normal. At least with the exception of Ted and his cap.

We started with a suitable amount of faffing (0.7 Faffing on the International Mucking About Achieving Nothing Scale) before bundling into cars and parking up at the coffee house at Trevor (that’s the name of the town!) before hiking to the ridge and along to beautiful ruined Castle at Dinas Bran. Luckily for us the port gate was open and manned by volunteers explaining the history.
What a view!
Then it was down to Llangollen where we picked up the canal at a café. Woo hoo! Cranberry and Brie Panini, shortbread, ice cream, Jo’s spare cheese on toast made for a great lunch.
Sadly Julie couldn’t join us as the town was rammed with moped’s and holiday makers, but we waved, sorry Julie!
After lunch and 0.38 more units of faffing we were off again along the canal to Trevor.
Honestly it was super. The views were fantastic. But the conversation was even better. And it was a joy wombling along without worrying about maps and routes with mates – thanks to all the great pre-work by Phil, Lynne and Paul.
Nick has done a super job of logging the walk on an app Check out Hiking with NCC on Relive! https://www.relive.cc/view/vDqgxJAZ4Gv so I don’t need to go into details and grid references and all that malarky.

Thanks so much NCC!