Race Rules
The success of The Waterside Series relies heavily on all paddlers, support crews, marshalls and organisors to abide by the rules and guidance set out below. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with this information.

a) Every crew must have entered (online or in person) and have paid the appropriate entry fee before they will be allowed to start.
b) We have introduced an online entry system, as used by the Marathon Racing Committee for many other events including the Hasler events. We qualify to use this as Waterside Series pay race levies and, as a group A event, it is run under the BC Marathon Racing committee rules
The online system also collects the appropriate race entry fee.
Note that internet connection may not be possible at some start locations so best performed before arriving at the start.
c) Use of the MRC Entry System for Junior Entries assumes parental consent, as payment has to made via a payment card of some
description which requires adult authorisation to set up. Any postal/late entries must use the paper entry form which will require a wet signature of a Parent/Guardian.
i. All competitors must be members of Paddle UK or approved National Associations either as junior, young persons or adult. Each paddler must provide proof of such membership before they will be allowed to start. Membership of Paddle UK affiliated club with a Registered youth section is acceptable for those representing that school, college, or club.
If you cannot provide proof of membership you will have to buy an event ticket on race day (the cost of day tickets is not refundable).
Event tickets cost £5.
ii. All participants must ensure they feel fit and able to complete the course safely.
iii. All participants must ensure they feel fit and able to complete the course within the timeframe.
iv.. All paddlers need to ensure they start at an appropriate time for their pace and that they finish within the stated finish window for each race or their time will not be taken.
Racing SUPS
v. SUP paddlers need to be able to paddle a min of 7km/hr.
vi. SUP paddlers need to ensure they can manage to start and finish within the published start and finish windows.
vii. SUP paddlers are required to portage the multiple locks in each race.
e) Newbury CC Refund policy:
i. If Newbury Canoe Club cancel the Series or an individual race, a refund will be given at NCC’s discretion.
ii. If for any reason a paddler(s) withdraws from 1 or more races after an entry has been accepted, no refund will be given
iii. A change of Class, Crew or Race will be permitted.
a) All competitors must be able to swim 50 meters in canoeing clothing.
i. Buoyancy aids are compulsory for all junior paddlers and SUPS (regardless of the class entered) and are strongly recommended for all other paddlers.
ii. Paddlers over 18 who do not wish to wear a buoyancy aid will have to race in the senior classes.
iii. Junior competitors must wear an integral foam buoyancy aid or lifejacket offering the wearer a minimum 50 Newton of inherent buoyancy and conforming to one of the following European standards:
EN 393 or EN 395
The EN standard must be clearly displayed via a label attached by the manufacturer.
iv. Buoyancy aids or lifejackets are not acceptable under any circumstance if: -
- They only display certification to BA83.
- Require partial or total inflation by mouth, or by the use of a compressed air/gas cylinder.
-Appear to be more than five years old.
- Have been subjected to heavy use thus degrading their flotation value
-Have been tampered with or modified in any way
​ -Spot checks may be made by race officials to enforce these rules.
Failure to comply will result in disqualification.
i. Random checks of your craft will be made at the start of each race as per MRC rule 5.a.i.
ii. Canadian Canoes
a. Competitors in the Canadian classes (12 & 13) must use a single bladed paddle and their boats must not have a rudder.
iii. Racing SUPS
a. If the SUP paddler chooses to use a leash it must be a quick release waist belt.

a) Within the restrictions below, crews may choose which class to enter.
b) Age categories are as follows :-
Juniors must be aged under 19 on 1st January preceding the race.
Veterans must be aged over 35 on 1st January preceding the race.
K1 Veteran Masters must be aged over 50 on 1st January preceding the race.
Junior/Veteran crew qualifies if one crew member is a Veteran, and the other is a Junior.
Racing SUPS are any age above 19yrs
Please notify the organiser of ANY entrant below the age of 16.
This is so we can verify that the young paddler and support crew have the competency to undertake the challenges of the Waterside Series.
c) A Junior Team comprises of between 3 and 8 paddlers, with at least 3 boats, from any class, provided that all paddlers are under 19. Schools team members must be a full time enrolled person at the school or college being represented.
d) A Senior Team comprises of between 3 and 8 paddlers, with at least 3 boats, from any class. A Senior Team may include one or more junior crews.
e) The members of the team must be nominated on the specific form before the start of the Series, after which no changes to the membership of the team will be allowed.
f) Team Nomination Forms must be handed to the organisers before the closure of race control at the Start of Waterside A
g) Crew pairings, within the nominated team members, may change and K1’s can race instead of K2’s. In each race, 3 boats, paddled by nominated team members must finish to qualify for the team event.
h) The team time is calculated by adding up the times of the team's fastest three boats at each race.
i) All crews who have finished all four races are eligible for Series awards, K2 and C2 paddlers must have had the same partner for the whole series.]
j) Every effort is made to present prize giving as close to the end of the finish window as possible. A short delay will exist for any protests to be filed with race control. Protests after this time will be investigated but no guarantee is given to any results change. Protests must be presented on the official form available from race control.

a) Race boats must have been cleaned thoroughly prior to the race in order to manage and reduce risk of water born diseases.
b) All competitors must register at race control.
c) They will be issued with their race number.
d) They must provide a contact number in the case of emergency or retirement against their race number
e) The race number must be mounted vertically on the boat throughout the race.
Any boat which is not displaying a number when it crosses the finishing line may not be timed.
f) Race numbers must be returned to Race Control at the finish of each race.
g) Boats will be started at half minute intervals. Competitors may start (or join the queue waiting to start) at any time within the time limits published for each race, It is the competitor's responsibility to ensure that they complete the course before the finish control is closed. Any competitor who starts or finishes before/after the stated times will not qualify for any race award.
h) Competitors and their support crews must comply with instructions given by race officials, the pre-race safety briefing, or during the course of the race.
i) Failure to obey the instructions of a race official will result in a time penalty for each offence. For more serious offences, competitors may be disqualified. The Race Committee has absolute discretion in such matters.
Note: Road Crossing Marshals have NO right to stop vehicles on the highway. Therefore crews are likely to be held for short periods until it is safe to continue.
j) No outside assistance(support crews, marshals’, other crews, public etc) is to be given to any competitor, except for minor feeding of crews, or for emergency safety reasons.
Exceptions are made with The Savernake Tunnel (see 6b) Revoked 20/03/2025
k) Only competitors can carry their own boat.
l) In the event of a broken paddle you may only use a replacement that you have been carrying with you. Revoked 20/03/2025

a) Compulsory portages
i. West Mills Swing Bridge on the western approach to Newbury is a compulsory portage. Crews must portage the bridge on the right hand bank, then paddle on to Newbury Lock and portage the lock.
Competitors who portage across the bridge will be disqualified.
ii. There is a compulsory portage at the Low swing bridge (in and out) just before Bulls Lock (Race B) (on the way out). The Lock is situated 50m from the bridge. Competitors who paddle under these bridges (or through the bridge when open), will have a two minute penalty added to their race time.
b) The Savernake tunnel Also known as Bruces tunnel
i. Overtaking is strictly not allowed and will be penalised.
ii. Passing a crew with the sole purpose of raising the alarm to the Marshals is permitted. Communicate and agree this with others in attendance.
iii. Assistance to capsized crew or crews in the water is a priority.
iv. Passing a crew which is being assisted/recovered by other crew(s) or by Marshalls/safety boat is at the discretion of those assisting the rescue.
v. Communicate and assist those around you – especially if you are held back and are unstable or disorientated.
vi. There is NO support crew parking (except to recover retiring crews).
vii. Crews held by marshals because of canal traffic navigating the tunnel will have their held time deducted – Let the marshals know your number on arrival.
c) At the turning point for Race B, it is essential that the marshal's instructions are followed, in order to avoid impeding other competitors.

The following rules apply equally to competitors and their support crews.
Remember that competitors may be penalised for the behaviour of their support crew(s).
a) Support crews must supply/confirm a telephone contact number for the day and car registration at check-in for EACH race.
b) Competitors and their support crews must show courtesy and consideration to other towpath users. Any trespassing, nuisance or damage caused by competitors.
c) Support vehicles must show courtesy and consideration to local residents and other road users, both while driving and when parking.
d) All competitors and support crews must use public toilet facilities or those provided by the organisers. This is particularly important in the villages along the course and especially Pewsey Wharf.
e) Location specifics
i. Great Bedwyn (Race A) Competitors and support crews must restrict themselves to the towpath and the car park.
ii. Toilets are available in the Village Hall and in the Wharf Car park.
iii. Do not trespass on neighbouring property.
iv. Little Bedwyn is completely out of bounds for all races and has no parking for support crews.
v. Burbage Wharf has NO support parking due to the dangerous road bend and close proximity of the bridges.
Pewsey Wharf
vi. Pewsey Wharf (Race C) Please park at St Francis School or where indicated by race signs or marshals. Parking at the school is reserved for competitors only and any cars without a Canoe or Kayak will be advised of alternative parking. A drop off area will be reserved close to the school entrance on the main Road.
vii. Pewsey Wharf (Race C& D); DO NOT park on the road but DO park at the Wharf or school car parks.
viii. Vehicles must not stop on the road by the bridge at Pewsey Wharf, even for unloading.
f) All litter must be collected/retrieved by a crew’s support crew.